Fonziba Drums!
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The Healing Drum

Healing through Drumming, Rhythm and Sound

The beneficial effects of drumming, rhythm and sound have been validated by health care professionals around the world as stress reducing and wonderfully revitalizing for mind, body and soul. In this workshop, Fonsiba introduces everyone to the ancient art of creating healing frequencies through the power of communal drumming, rhythm and sound.

First, everyone explores how different tones on the drum correspond to different parts of the body and how these various drum tones can be used to facilitate more energy flow in those areas. Participants learn drum rhythms which have various therapeutic properties and Fonziba delights everyone with a drum-sound meditation.

After exploring drum sounds, everyone has a chance to explore the sounds of other percussion instruments such as bells, shakers, rattles, chimes, singing bowls etc. Traditional societies have long known how these instruments correlate with the four basic elements of air, fire, water and earth. Participants learn how these elemental sounds can be used to loosen stuck or blocked areas, release unwanted energy patterns, enliven inner balance and harmony, or to center and ground an individual.

In breakout sessions, people take turns playing various percussion instruments for each other so that each can experience how these sounds help to relax, release, revitalize, harmonize, balance, center, nourish or empower.

This workshop is open to all regardless of drumming or musical experience. To fully integrate and maximize the benefits of this workshop, it is often done in conjunction with a Healing Drum Circle which utilizes all the skills participants have just acquired. Usually the workshop is offered first, for a full or half day, and then the Healing Drum Circle takes place that evening or soon thereafter.

Note – This workshop is not intended to replace appropriate medical care or advice. Those in need of medical attention should seek a physician or health care professional of their choice.



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